
Course Overview

Our Safeguarding course provides essential training on protecting vulnerable individuals from abuse and neglect. This course covers the principles and practices needed to identify, report, and respond to safeguarding concerns effectively.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Recognize signs of abuse and neglect in children and vulnerable adults.
  • Understand safeguarding policies, procedures, and legal requirements.
  • Learn how to report concerns and work with relevant agencies.
  • Develop skills to create a safe environment and prevent abuse.

Course Features:

  • Interactive sessions with case studies and role-plays.
  • Experienced trainers with expertise in safeguarding.
  • Certification upon completion.
  • Access to safeguarding policies and procedures.

Course we can offer:

  • Level 1 – 1/2 day - £65 per person (16 max group size)
  • Level 3 – 1 day - £95 per person (16 max group size)

Who Should Attend: Ideal for professionals working in education, healthcare, social services, and anyone involved in caring for or working with vulnerable individuals.

Duration: Depending on the level. Level 1 is half a day and level 3 is a full day.

Get in touch to book today.


What will I learn in the Safeguarding course?

The course teaches how to recognize signs of abuse and neglect, understand safeguarding policies and procedures, and report concerns effectively.

How long is the Safeguarding course?

Who should attend this course?

Will I receive a certification?

Are there any prerequisites for this course?

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Falcon Support Services is a Registered Charity

Charity number: 1103101. Company number: 04177320